خبر من مصادر إنجليزية.
شهد معرض "لوس أنجليس تايمز" السنوي للكتاب إقبالاً كبيرًا على كتب التعريف بالإسلام بلغ 80%؛ حيث شاركت الجمعية الإسلامية بشمال أمريكا للعام الثامن على التوالي بمشروعها الدعوي "لماذا الإسلام؟".
وقد بلغت محصلة المواد التي حصل عليها الزوار4182 نسخة من المصاحف، إضافة إلى 8 آلاف مطوية تعريفية، بارتفاع كبير عن العام الماضي، إضافة إلى العديد من النسخ والمواد الدعوية المجانية التي قُدِّمت للزوار، وكذلك الردود على الاستفسارات المتعلقة بالإسلام وموقفه من حقوق الإنسان وقضايا تطبيق الشريعة.
الخبر من مصدره الأصلي:
LA Book Fest: Demand for Islamic Info Increases 80%
“We were attracted to this booth and, as I was always curious about the Quran, this gave me a chance to embrace Islam,” says Joseph, one of the six people who embraced Islam at the 17th Annual LA Times Festival of Books this past weekend. The festival at the University of Southern California was a two-day event celebrating writing and literature.
The Los Angeles Times Festival of Books was started in 1996 and has since become the largest and most prestigious book festival in the country, attracting 140,000 people annually.
Nestled among the hundreds of vendors and exhibitors, the WhyIslam booth at the festival distributed free literature and translated copies of the Qur’an. A project of Islamic Circle of North America, WhyIslam is dedicated to helping people learn about the Muslim faith. The organization works to clear misconceptions about Islam through booths at fairs like the one held this past weekend, and through the printing and distribution of literature on Islamic topics.
"I think one of this year's highlight was the appealing and trendy booth design and presentation" said Ali Hussain, one of the two booth managers.
This year, WhyIslam handed out 4,182 copies of the Qur’an in English and Spanish, and more than 8,000 pamphlets at the festival, an 80% increase since last year, making it the largest Muslim outreach booth in America. This is the 8th consecutive year that the WhyIslam team participated in the event.
“The volunteers at the booth conducted themselves professionally and listened patiently to the questions and concerns from the visitors. It was a very cordial and educational interaction.” said Albert Tampi, Event Coordinator.
Over the course of the weekend, volunteers answered questions posed by booth visitors and happily gave pamphlets and booklets to those interested in learning more. The group distributed free translations of the Qur’an along with other informative material that touched on a wide range of issues including human rights in Islam and Shariah.
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